Roz Kerr reigns supreme as York John Smith's Ladies' Summer League Individual Champion.

The York Arms player lost the opening game to a good 22 darts by Sue Smith (Phoenix) but Kerr drew on her resources, became the majority ton scorer and took the best of five match 3-1, including a 24-dart finish.

York Arms also collected the pairs trophy. Michelle Britton-Karen Richardson beat Sue Lowery-Carole Layne 2-1, also representing York Arms.

After losing their way at the start, Richardson turned the tables with a brilliant 102 finish and when their colleagues were set to strike for glory, Britton banged in a 64-check.

In the triples event Bev Harton and Carole Pipes teamed with Angie Hields, who was outstanding for Phoenix, scoring three tons, 137, a maximum, and a decisive finish. The display deservedly earned her the 'player of the night' award.

Nevertheless, York Arms again added to their haul. Kerr and Britton steadily scored, while Joan Woods was there when they required the winning double.

Cygnet collected the Captain-Vice Captain Cup with Dawn Exton-Anne Bass beating Castle Howard Ox's Sandra-Tracey Bruce over three games.

Jane Wright (Phoenix) recorded the season's highest finish, 120, while 17, 18 and 23 darts from Michelle Britton won the three fastest finishes competition.

An exciting 4-3 York White Rose Ladies' League division three win by Bay Horse, Murton, at King William included an excellent 20-dart game by Karrol Watkinson.

Pat Bell, Julie Copeland, Michelle Bell and Carol Copeland opened Tramways' account with the team game but Alice Hawthorn were not overawed and took the remainder.

Gill Houlden included 180, 140 in Bowling's 6-1 win over Red Lion, while Golden Slipper's division two deciding game win over Earswick was taken by Catherine Gascoyne.

It was very unusual but all the games between Six Bells and Tap went against the throw before Shirley Waugh steered Bells to victory.

Ann Robinson sealed a 6-1 win for Winning Post at Deramore with a delightful 21-darter.

In division one Sun's Sue Scrimshaw shot a splendid 22 darts but Coach were put on level terms with 100, 125 from their skipper Jill Clapham.

Even so Sun still had their captain to take the oche and Sheelagh Lord did not disappoint.

Updated: 11:09 Tuesday, October 15, 2002