NOMINATIONS have come in from all corners of York for the Evening Press Safe In The City campaign.

The campaign aims to recognise the good work done by hundreds of youth groups in York which help keep youngsters occupied, off the streets and out of trouble.

We asked readers to nominate a youth group which they thought did particularly good work in the city.

The Safer York Partnership offered to give one of the nominated groups £1,000 to help with the continuation of its valuable work.

Eleven-year-old Danielle Foster, from Shipton Road, nominated the Kingswater Dance Group.

The group was set up seven years ago by Debbie Pallister who believes it provides the youngsters with a valuable interest.

More than 60 youngsters, aged between four and 19, attend dance lessons at Kingswater Youth Annex. Although boys are invited, the group is made up of girls.

The girls, who mainly come from the Clifton and Acomb area, take part in competitions all over the country.

Debbie said the girls and teachers worked hard towards the competitions as did many of the girls' parents who made the costumes.

The Flying Ducks Youth Theatre, based at Haxby Methodist Church, teaches all aspects of theatre to youngsters aged between ten and 18.

The group has 50 members and a waiting list of about 80 and is soon to extend with the establishment of the Flying Ducklings, for children aged between ten and 12.

Committee member, Pam Davies, who nominated the group, said: "A lot of hard work is done with these children to keep them interested in the theatre and to build their confidence. When they are with the group parents know they are safe and being well looked after."

Brenda Coward nominated the Gateway Church Detached Youth Group which gives young people somewhere to socialise during the evening.

The group started just on a Tuesday night, but has proved so popular it has now been extended to Thursday night as well.

The group is separate to the church's own youth club and has been complemented by the police for the good work it does.

The group is run by dedicated members who go into local schools and explain to children what it is they do.

The Stagecoach Youth Theatre based at Trinity Church, in Monkgate, was nominated by Janet Hull, who makes costumes for the group.

It was set up about ten years ago by John Cooper and about 100 youngsters, aged between eight and 21, take part in between five and ten productions each year.

Janet said: "Young people are treated with great respect as young actors in an adult way. "The plays they produce are challenging and not ordinary run-of-the-mill stuff.

"Without them knowing they are also being educated in literature and social behaviour."

The judging of the nominees will be taking place in the next few weeks and the winners announced shortly afterwards.

Updated: 09:02 Tuesday, October 22, 2002