A MAJOR resurfacing project is starting in the centre of York this Sunday.

City of York Council is to start the work on the carriageway at Monkgate/Lord Mayor's Walk on Sunday, and will continue on two further Sundays, November 17 and 24.

The contractor, Tarmac Ltd National Contracting, will be planing off the existing surface and resurfacing the junction with a new tarmac surface. The works are part of City of York Council's improvements to highways, funded through the Local Transport Plan.

Ray Chaplin, head of the council's engineering consultancy, said: "The carriageway planing and surfacing works will be carried out on Sundays only - between the hours of 9.30am and midnight - to reduce the risk of

potential traffic problems." The junction will remain open, as the work will be carried out under temporary traffic lights.

Access to properties will be maintained at all times and those directly affected by the works have received information explaining what is happening.

Advance notification signs will be positioned at the roadside for the benefit of road users.

Updated: 11:11 Tuesday, November 05, 2002