PUPILS at Sutton-on-the-Forest Primary School have impressed staff and parents with their imaginative donations to charity.

More than 50 shoeboxes filled with gifts for underprivileged children have been handed over to charity Samaritans Purse, organisers of Operation Christmas Child.

The boxes, one for girls, the other for boys, will now be delivered to children in more than 100 countries worldwide.

A spokeswomen for the school said the response from pupils had been overwhelming, with more than half the school's 81 pupils taking part.

"It's the first time we've taken part in the scheme and it's been very successful," she said.

"The boxes have been filled not only with crayons but things like mittens for children in colder climates. Pupils have really thought about the purpose of the boxes."

Updated: 15:10 Wednesday, November 06, 2002