YOUR feature on York's empty shops (November 5) is a timely reminder of the implications of the Coppergate proposals if they are taken forward in their present form.

Mr de Barr, the spokesman for Land Securities, once again fails to address the issue. Despite all the expert witnesses called to justify the development on the grounds of the overwhelming "need" for more shops, and that this would not have an adverse effect on the existing retail core, the case was simply not made.

This became clear under the prolonged cross-examination on the evidence.

Taken together with all the other aspects of the case considered over the nine-week inquiry, it was clear that the evidence in support of the scheme was in fact far from overwhelming. We suspect that by the time the inquiry closed, this was also the view of the city's legal team.

The sooner Land Securities and the city acknowledge this in public, the better.

Whether the Secretary of State will agree with us remains to be seen.

Philip Crowe,

Chair, York Tomorrow,

Stonegate, York.

Updated: 11:48 Tuesday, November 12, 2002