AVERAGE weekly wages for workers in York, North and East Yorkshire are below the national level - but higher than many other parts of the region.

The analysis of gross weekly earnings, done for the GMB union by experts at Durham University, shows that the figures for full-time workers in all parts of the Yorkshire and Humberside region are below the national average of £464.75.

The top regional average wage is £438.13 in North Lincolnshire, followed by Calderdale with £430.87 and Leeds with £428.68.

In fourth place is York, with £427.21. Workers in Sheffield are in fifth place with £412.40, just ahead of their counterparts in the East Riding of Yorkshire, who are earning an average of £411.39, putting them in sixth place in the regional table.

Wakefield is in seventh place with £410.43, a little ahead of North Yorkshire, which is in eighth place, with average earnings of £406.18 per week. There are seven more counties and boroughs in the region with lower average earnings, from Bradford at ninth with £402.10, to North East Lincolnshire at fifteenth with £375.40.

Updated: 12:04 Wednesday, November 13, 2002