I READ with amusement letters on the subject of Bonfire Night in York.

The writers were correct in pointing out that the sound of fireworks was to be heard over a two-week period. However do they not find it ironic that even though York is the birthplace of Guy Fawkes, City of York Council could not find the finances to hold a free local event for residents of this city?

Locals had to travel outside of the city to participate in such events.

I have lived in York for about four years and I'm disgusted at the treatment of residents on certain dates throughout the year. The Millennium was a wash-out with no fireworks or displays held as everyone gathered outside the Minster to mark the event. Surely such an occasion could have been celebrated with a bit more flair and extravagance.

Perhaps during the period of Bonfire Night the local people were displaying their frustration at the council's meanness? The people of this city are being ignored while the visitors prosper with amenities directed simply at them.

Where do councillors' loyalties lie?

Danielle Donohue,

Feversham Crescent,

Wigginton Road, York.

...I AGREE with all the changes Councillor Andrew Waller is proposing regarding the sale of fireworks (November 13) and, although I wouldn't want to see them banned completely, I feel certain restrictions should be imposed.

After trying to console our terrified two-year-old a number of times after November 5, these changes will go part way to limiting the number of disturbed nights we will all have in the future.

It seems for some people that it is no longer a celebration of the Gunpowder Plot but an excuse to be destructive. The tradition of Bonfire Night should continue, but it does seem to be lasting longer and longer every year.

Alison Rathbone,

St Swithins Walk,

Holgate, York.

... I AGREE with your correspondents about fireworks now that bonfire night is supposed to be over.

I have a 13-year-old-dog who is really petrified of them. He has done nothing else but pant, shake and tremble for the past fortnight at least. He is too old for a doggy sedative so we all have to put up with it. It is about time fireworks were banned except for organised displays.

A M Dudley,

Dringfield Close,

Dringhouses, York.

Updated: 10:58 Thursday, November 14, 2002