A RYEDALE family whose pet labrador went missing after a car crash have appealed for help in trying to track her down.

Jane Mudge, of Flaxton, said her three children, Ben, 12, Sam, nine, and Tora, seven, were all devastated to learn that their best friend had gone missing.

Three-year-old Bolly, a short-coated golden labrador, was in a neighbour's car when the accident happened at about 4.15pm on Monday.

Marjorie Connelly, of Flaxton, had been taking Bolly and her own labrador for a walk shortly before the accident, which occurred near the Welburn junction on the A64.

Her daughter, Anne Bosanquet, who went to the scene of the crash, said: "The doors flew open and the dogs just ran off.

"I was walking up and down the lane calling their names when suddenly one dog just appeared behind me, but Bolly was just not there.

"We were out for hours, and then my daughter, Kate, came back from the hospital at about 10pm and was out with the police who were also looking."

She said: "We feel absolutely terrible, we've been to the RSPCA, the dog wardens, everywhere."

Mrs Mudge said everyone was very upset about the accident.

"We have had Bolly since she was a puppy, she just loves the children, she's like a best friend," she said.

"When she went she was wearing a green collar, and she is microchipped."

Mrs Mudge appealed for anyone who might have seen their pet to contact the family on 01904 468797.

Updated: 12:07 Thursday, November 14, 2002