A NEW counselling service has been set up in York for carers of people with mental health problems.

York and District Mind has developed the new counselling service, the only one of its kind in the city, with the aid of funding from City of York Council.

The nine-month pilot scheme is already being used by the partners and parents of people with mental health problems, whose ages range from 16 to 60.

But there is still room for more carers to take advantage of the service.

Trish Hobman, counsellor and development officer of the service, said: "Carers can become isolated and they can end up feeling very alone. Sometimes the sessions focus on rebuilding bits of their lives, such as their social life or getting back to work.

"They can also talk about how they feel, how they are coping, what their needs are.

"The service has so far been used by the partners and parents of people with conditions such as schizophrenia, compulsive disorders or psychotic episodes, all of which still carry a certain stigma.

"That can add to the isolation of the carer, who may not feel that they can tell their employer so an avenue of support is closed off from them. Also friends, neighbours and extended family may not react well to the news that someone is ill, because it's an illness like any other."

The service aims to provide 12 hour-long sessions with a trained counsellor, described as a much-needed break for carers.

It is based at York and District Mind in Priory Street, York, and runs on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at flexible hours.

It is open to anyone in York who considers themselves the main carer for someone with mental health issues.

The service can be contacted direct, there is no need for a referral from a doctor.

For more information phone Trish Hobman on 01904 466690 or Rebecca Rea on 01904 647014.

Updated: 09:15 Thursday, November 14, 2002