CONSERVATIVE Party members from North Yorkshire attending the Yorkshire and the Humber hustings in York on Saturday, November 23, to decide the party's candidates for the European elections in June 2004, might find it useful to ask the following questions to identify who are the Eurosceptics:

- Do you oppose in principle the introduction of the Euro, and will you vigorously campaign to keep the pound in any euro referendum?

- Do you support the repatriation of the UK's agricultural and fishing rights?

- Will you oppose any form of constitution for the European Union and will you seek its repeal if one is introduced?

- Will you advocate the re-negotiation of Britain's relationship with the EU so that we can simply be involved with a free trade area, which is what the country thought that it was voting for in 1975?

- Have you ever voted for any reductions in the EU budget to prevent Europhile campaigning groups receiving public money?

- Do you imagine there might be a time for the UK to leave the European Union?

To strengthen the Conservative Eurosceptic force in the European Parliament, we need to select MEPs who are opposed to the euro and will work to derail the ambitions of the European Union empire-builders.

Martin Ball,

The Bruges Group,

Regent Street, London.

Updated: 11:10 Wednesday, November 20, 2002