THE list of industrial injuries is long. Miner's lung, maid's knee, call centre worker's ear (or what was described for the first time last year as "acoustic shock").

Now we must add another: barmaid's wrist. Pulling thousands of pints has taken its toll on Samantha Croft, of the Spread Eagle, York. She suffers from pain and restricted movement in her right arm and has been diagnosed with the typist's bane, RSI.

Creditably in our compensation culture, Samantha is blaming no one, not even the drinkers who have caused her so much suffering. So next time you are in the Spread Eagle, have a heart.

Banish any desire for hand-pull bitter and ask Samantha for lager, easily despatcheds at the flick of a button.

Updated: 12:50 Wednesday, December 04, 2002