CAN someone tell me where the Prime Minister and his Government find the money for their pay increases for which they don't need unions to negotiate?

Also why does he need the extra money, he never has to save for a holiday, he gets lots of freebies for himself and his family.

If he can't manage, and his wife has stopped work, surely he's eligible for Family Tax Credit like the rest of the hard-up young families in this country.

I wish it were compulsory for any government minister who spouts on about how much people should be able to live on, to be made to do just that for a month and see how they manage.

When my husband had to finish work because of ill health we were told that we should be able to manage on £79 a week, that was for all household bills, clothes, food and any extras.

Mrs M Dale,

Highthorn Road, York.

Updated: 11:46 Friday, December 06, 2002