I WOULD like to give a few answers in response to W Elliott ('Phone mast snobs', December 7).

Yes, I do have a mobile phone and I am sure some residents near the mast do as well. The reason both myself and local residents were against the mast was the fact it was in dangerous place, a sharp bend on a busy road.

It will only take one lorry or speeding car to hit the mast and cause untold damage to either the allotments or worse nearby properties.

I am angry at T-mobile's attitude to this mistake by the city council and was not surprised to hear that T-mobile had turned down an offer by the city council to resite the mast on the Rawcliffe Park & Ride site at a reduced rent.

For good or bad, mobile phones are with us, as are the masts - but these must be placed in sensible sites, away from homes and in places that cause minimum visual impact.

I wonder, would W Elliott like a mast near where he lives?

Coun Mark Waudby

Brecksfield, Skelton, York.

Updated: 13:12 Wednesday, December 11, 2002