A ROW over plans to supply Selby councillors with laptop computers at a cost of tens of thousands of pounds intensified today.

The district council's scrutiny committee has decided to "call in" the decision after questioning whether it was the right thing on which to spend taxpayers' money.

It is the first time that the scrutiny committee has used its "call-in" powers, following concerns expressed by a number of councillors.

The laptops, including internet access and printers, will cost £68,000, plus ongoing costs of £22,000 a year.

The council's 41 members will also be provided with a dedicated second BT line in their homes, at a cost of £120 a year, and will have their £180 a year internet access charges paid by the council.

The controversial decision will now be revisited by the council's scrutiny committee at a special meeting next Monday.

Independent councillor John McCartney said: "It's the first time that the scrutiny committee has flexed its muscles and called in a decision.

"The plan is ill-considered and has caused huge concern among members of all parties.

"It raises the questions of whether taxpayers are getting value for money and whether there is a need for councillors to have expensive laptop computers."

The scrutiny committee will decide next Monday whether to support the decision, which seems highly unlikely, send it back to the policy and resources committee for a rethink, or take it to the full council for final judgement.

Coun McCartney said: "This will be an important test, which will decide if the scrutiny committee really has teeth or is simply a lapdog."

Scrutiny committee chairman Brian Percival said he was against the laptop plans when resources were so tight.

He said: "Most councillors already have their own computers - and those that do not probably don't want them anyway."

But council leader Dean Howson is determined to press ahead, saying councillors had to move with the times.

He said: "If the public is to have electronic access, then we must, too, or we'll be left behind."

Updated: 16:00 Wednesday, December 11, 2002