British men are hopeless when it comes to knowing what their partners really really want for Christmas. STEPHEN LEWIS seeks some expert advice on buying clothes for the woman in your life...

LET'S face it, us blokes are pretty useless when it comes to this presents game.

You can guarantee that come Christmas morning, as the wrapping paper comes off, more than a few of our "better" halves will be struggling to hide their disappointed faces. Wrong perfume, hideous makeup, jewellery she wouldn't be seen dead in.

And those clothes. We don't even get the right size, let alone colour and style.

According to a new survey by outlet village operator Freeport, British men are among the worst in Europe when it comes to knowing their wife's or girlfriend's size. Only one in five men asked knew their partner's vital statistics.

It all adds up to a recipe for a frosty Christmas - and a massive queue at the returns counter as disappointed women change what their blokes thought they'd like for something more to their taste.

So how can you make sure that when you splash out on that top, party dress or sexy lingerie, it is what your other half really wants, not just what you think or wish she would want? And even more important - how do you find the right size?

Listening to what your partner says is a pretty good starting point, says Clair Million, manager of Warehouse, in Coney Street, York. "Women are really good at dropping hints," she says. "But men are really bad at picking them up!"

Once you've decided what you think she'd like, the next step is to make sure you know her size and measurements. If you don't want to tip her off that you're buying her some clothes, try waistbands and collars to make sure you know the right size, Clair suggests.

Then, to get a feel for the styles and colours she likes, look through her wardrobe to see the kinds of clothes she likes to wear.

Even then it's easy to get it wrong - men are pretty hopeless, Clair admits, at co-ordinating colours. So when you get to the shop, ask the sales staff for advice. "Men do feel intimidated," she says. "But asking for help in the store is the key. Men don't know what goes with what. So we can try to put an outfit together for them."

To help you get it right for once, we asked the friendly sales team at Marks & Spencer, in Pavement, York, for their top tips. Here is what they came up with:

Sift through your partner's wardrobe and make a note of the sizes of her most loved clothes

Be aware of the shades of colour your partner wears. Fashion trends aside, women tend to have their favourite colours

Be aware of what necklines and shapes your partner wears. Some women find polo necks uncomfortable while other women prefer cardigans to jumpers

Listen! Women are very good at dropping subtle hints as to what they would like - they just need their partners to hear them

Ask for advice - Marks & Spencer sales advisors would be glad to assist

The cut and fabric of a garment is very important. Some women prefer dresses, which skim and flatter her body to those more figure-hugging pieces. Again, have a look through her wardrobe, you'll be sure to identify what she prefers

When buying lingerie, think about what your partner would like, not yourself. There is a wide range of lingerie styles available

Plan ahead - don't leave it to the last minute. Why not window shop with your partner and make a note of what she likes?

Be aware that clothes come in many different fits. If your partner is tall she will probably need a long-length skirt or trousers as opposed to a medium length.

Updated: 13:04 Thursday, December 12, 2002