A PUB regular has given his American drinking pals a blazing send-off - by spelling out a goodbye message in Christmas lights.

Chris Harkus has put up the illuminations outside his house in Hamilton Drive, York, as a farewell gesture to Tom and Robin Harding, who are moving back to the States.

Tom came to York nearly two years ago to work for American rail manufacturers Thrall Europa in Holgate Road, but the plant has now been forced to close.

Chris met the couple in his local, The Puss 'n Boots, and they hit it off straight away.

He said: "Tom and Robin came into the pub and just gelled with everyone straight away.

"I decided to put the lights up as a nice gesture. We will really miss them.

"They love the atmosphere in the pub."

Updated: 10:13 Thursday, December 12, 2002