SCHOOL is not all about classrooms and homework, as a group of students from three Ryedale schools found out.

More than 60 pupils, aged 14 and 15, from Malton, Norton and Lady Lumley's, in Pickering, headed to a science, technology, engineering and maths fair held at Pickering Memorial Hall. Local businesses and organisations took part in the event, which aimed to prove that young people could learn a lot from people outside the school environment.

Science teacher Chris Head went with a group of 11 science students from Lady Lumley's. He said: "There was a real jockey there who was very interesting. He was talking about what it was like, and explaining how important weight and diet can be in the weighing room."

Mr Head said his pupils had learned a lot from the event.

As well as traditional GCSEs, the group are on vocational courses which can lead to modern apprenticeships. Organiser Stella Ward, from North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership, added: "The fair was a significant event in the Ryedale area and sought to complement, enhance and enrich the delivery of the Key Stage Four curriculum in the classroom."

Updated: 10:55 Thursday, December 12, 2002