A GROUP set up in northern Ryedale to improve public transport has plenty of ideas but a shortage of cash, members of Pickering Town Council heard.

Coun Judy Dixon the deputy mayor and representative on the Public Transport Partnership, said the aim of the group was to increase the use of public transport for the social, economic and environmental benefit of the community.

But plans to publish posters in time for Christmas had foundered because the group had not the funds to print them, she said.

However, it still aimed to produce publicity encouraging people to use the evening 128 service which was subsidised by North Yorkshire County Council, with a special poster on the theme "It's big, red and a lovely mover" and another declaring "It's never your turn to drive!".

Parish magazines will be targeted to promote public transport and a publicity bus will visit the market towns promoting bus services and public transport in the next few months, said Coun Dixon.

Updated: 10:55 Friday, December 20, 2002