PLANNERS have given the go-ahead for a major expansion of Rufforth Tip, despite local protests.

The 28-hectare extension of the Harewood Whin waste disposal site - which takes refuse from across the York area - will include the construction of a liquid waste treatment plant.

Rufforth and Knapton Parish Council opposed the scheme, saying the tip site was raising the landscape, and impeding views of York Minster. It

was also concerned about pollution of a stream.

The council said the B1224, which serves the tip, was in desperate need of upgrading to A road status, with the constant pounding from HGVs breaking up the surface and eroding verges.

RALLY (Residents Against Landfill Lunacy in York) also raised a 77-signature petition objecting to the proposals. It said it had been unable to find a single policy within the City of York Council Local Plan which the application did not contravene.

City of York Council's planning committee approved the application by Yorwaste Ltd on a majority vote, subject to restricting conditions.

The company will be asked to provide wildlife habitats, contribute towards road improvements and create a new public right of way on its boundary as part of its application.

Some committee members questioned whether a refuse tip should be expanded at a time when efforts were being made to increase recycling of waste.

But councillors agreed it was still necessary to make provision for refuse disposal, despite increasing efforts to recycle.

Members also agreed that other potential sites in North Yorkshire were unsuitable.

Updated: 12:25 Friday, December 20, 2002