As both a motorist and cyclist, I wish to comment or your recent article on the proposed Metro-style light rail link idea for York (December 11).

As a resident of Tadcaster Road, I am fully aware of the traffic queues which stretch from The Mount traffic lights back to the A64 bypass during the peak hours.

Once again Mr Woolley, in his official capacity as Assistant Director for Transport, Environment and Development, has shot himself in the foot by failing to spot the obvious.

The city of York is dissected by two rivers and two railway lines. Any travel from north to south within the city requires the crossing of one of four bridges over the River Ouse. The A64 bypass also offers two alternative crossings, assuming your destination is not within the city limits.

Once again the basics of the geographical location of the transport infrastructure seem to have been overlooked, if not ignored. Just where is this light railway going to run within the confines of the already overloaded infrastructure, and, more importantly, where is it going to cross the River Ouse?

This seems to be another half-witted concept being planned by a local government department whose aim appears to be the ability to raise funds from central government.

This department seems to have no regard for the residents it serves.

Mal Goodwin,

Moorgarth Ave.


...I NOTE with great pleasure that the Government plans to spend £3 billion on road widening schemes across the country (December 10). This is in clear recognition that the country is grinding to a halt due to congestion and this is hurting the economy.

I now hope that City of York Council will follow suit by removing all the congestion-causing traffic restraints (humps, chicanes, inappropriately low speed limits etc) that it has spent untold thousands on. Then it can spend our taxes on improving the road infrastructure (widening the A1237, for example) to free-up traffic to aid the economy of the region.

The Government has had to make a U-turn because you cannot force people to use inappropriate, unreliable and expensive public transport ('Costly Park & Ride', Letters, December 11). We won't think too bad of you if you do the same, York Council!

R J McBroom,

Westpit Lane, York.

Updated: 10:08 Saturday, December 21, 2002