It's that time of year again when we review what we have done in the last 12 months and look forward to achieving something new in 2003. Here are a few ideas to help you make next year your best yet.

Too many people today think they are stuck where they are with who they are and as such just have to sit back and accept what life throws at them.

And so they do... until they decide to change. Well, I suggest that you try something different next year.

Hey, if it doesn't work you can always go back to being who you are now can't you? These ideas have helped hundreds of people I have worked with achieve success beyond their wildest dreams so it must at least be worth a try.

Firstly, answer these questions, in private and with absolute honesty.

1. Write out three one-year goals that, if you achieved them in 2003, would make the biggest difference to your future. Stay way from "win the lottery". That is not an achievable goal that you can affect the outcome of other than buy a ticket. However do make them testing goals that will stretch you to achieve them.

2. What one thing have you always wanted to do but, for one reason or another, you have been afraid to attempt. Have you always wanted to start your own business, get a new job or enter into a new relationship? Just writing this answer down will give you some ideas as to what you would like to achieve next year.

3. How much do you want to be earning in one years' time. I suggest that we stay achievable with this one also. Avoid writing down £1000,000 if you are earning £20,000 right now. Add to this one how much do you want to have saved (untouched) in a savings account in one-years time? Don't worry about how with any of these questions.

4. Who do you know who is achieving any, or all, of your goals right now. These may be people you know or people you know of?

5. What is he/she doing right now that you are not which enables them to reach their, and now your, goals?

6. If you could learn one thing from them what one thing could you start doing right now that would help you to achieve your goals?

You will need answer these questions and put them somewhere where you can read them every day.

Now take a separate piece of paper and answer these questions:

1. What are my personal targets for the next 12 months?

2. Three changes I intend to make in my life this year are:

3. What one skill, if I improved it by 50 per cent will make a major difference to my life?

4. I intend to improve myself mentally in the next twelve months by:

5. I intend to improve myself physically in the next twelve months by:

6. Three major outcomes I expect to achieve this year are:

You should answer these questions, place the paper in an envelope, seal and staple it and open it in exactly one year's time.

You will be astounded by the things you achieve having forgotten that you even wrote them down.

Updated: 10:09 Monday, December 23, 2002