AFTER waiting some considerable time for a taxi at York Railway Station one Friday afternoon, I asked the driver on the homeward journey if he thought there were sufficient taxis in York to meet the demand.

He said that according to recent surveys there were adequate numbers for the city of York. He agreed, however, that not enough cars serviced the station, the reason given was that all cars who go into the station to pick up passengers have to pay £780 per year.

Part of this goes to GNER and part to Station Taxis. He also said that next year it would get worse as it was rumoured that GNER were intending to increase the cost to £500 per driver.

It is outrageous that taxis have to pay this amount in order to go about the task for which they are designed, which is ferrying passengers. According to the driver, the answer is in the hands of City of York Council. If they were to appoint a rank in Tea Room Square all the taxis would be eligible to pick up there and waiting times would be cut by as much as 50 per cent. So come on York council, stop this corporate greed and give the public a better service.

Ms L Lowery,

Kilnwick Garth, Pocklington.

Updated: 10:35 Tuesday, December 24, 2002