LITTLE Alisha was born to the sound of fireworks exploding in the distance, as she became York Hospital's first baby of 2003.

Alisha Jayne Harper made her entrance into the world two days early at 12.40am, weighing 6lb 11oz.

It was a busy time for the hospital's maternity ward as it saw another six babies arrive on New Year's Eve and early yesterday - with more expected.

Alisha's mum, Linda, from Strensall, York, was in labour for eight hours with her husband, Stephen, at her bedside.

"It was intensely painful," she said.

"The fireworks going off outside kept me going. I couldn't believe everyone was celebrating while I was in so much pain, but it was well worth it.

"Alisha is beautiful."

Another New Year baby was born at 6.20am yesterday, when York mother Vicky Harpin gave birth to baby Megan.

Updated: 11:55 Thursday, January 02, 2003