YORK residents have the chance today to air their views on the form of a massive planned expansion of the city's university.

Dozens of people are expected to attend a meeting of the university "campus three" consultation group, which will address building design issues at the Heslington site.

University bosses are preparing the way for a huge project that will see a large area of land to the south east of Heslington radically redeveloped, and student numbers increased by 50 per cent.

They plan to build a multi-million pound academic facility on a greenfield area near Badger Hill, bounded by Heslington village and Field Lane.

Heslington ward councillor Martin Brumby, who chairs the group, said tonight's "urban design" meeting gave people the chance to influence the type of buildings they would like to see built.

He said: "The meetings so far have been surprisingly positive, many concerns have been raised and it is teasing out the things people fear about the development.

"It is an opportunity for people to have their say on an important issue that will dramatically affect the area's future."

University spokeswoman Hilary Layton said developers were one step closer to creating a "master plan" for the site, as an internal consultation exercise among staff had been completed.

She said the university was in "listening mode" and would continue to gather information about people's aspirations for the site.

She added: "We exist in this community and we want any new development to fit in with the immediate geographical area and to make it a pleasant place for people who live nearby as well as those who work there."

Previous meetings have discussed traffic, public transport and environmental issues, as well as how the development and subsequent increase in students will affect residents in Heslington, Osbaldwick and Fulford.

Vice-chancellor Brian Cantor has said the university wished to preserve the character of Heslington village and to respect the needs of the farming community.

Tonight's meeting will be held at the drama studio of Archbishop Holgate's School, Hull Road, York, at 7pm.

Updated: 10:11 Wednesday, January 08, 2003