A SNAP parish council meeting has been called to discuss plans that could see hundreds of new homes built in a York suburb.

Plans have been put forward by Barratt Homes and Malton-based developer S Harrison to build 226 new apartments on land at Birch Park, in Huntington, behind the Royal Mail depot. Members of Huntington Parish Council are concerned about "over-development" in the area, and have organised a public meeting about the Birch Park plans. City of York and parish councillor Peter Vaughan said: "The sheer volume of the application meant it was discussed briefly at Wednesday's parish council meeting

"The application itself and the fact that Huntington is already facing massive over-development is a consequence of the current shape of the local plan.

"The parish council is very concerned about that over-development. This particular proposed development warrants a special parish council meeting where it will be looked at with particular interest."

The developers are also seeking permission to build access roads, cycle parking and one car parking space for each apartment. The properties would be in eight blocks, three and four storeys high, with the smallest containing 18 apartments, the biggest 42. A quarter would be affordable housing. The two developers have also applied to landscape the area, and would create a "major" area of public open space.

Resident Caron Holding, of nearby Nightingale Close, said: "I am not too concerned. Houses have to be built and this will block out the view of the industrial estate."

But Anita Dunning, of Victoria Way, said: "It will be a shame to see that land go, it was brilliant for dog walking."

A Royal Mail spokesman confirmed its depot was not linked to the application and would not be affected by it.

The meeting will be held in public at 6.30pm on Monday at Huntington Community Centre, in Strensall Road.

Updated: 12:07 Friday, January 17, 2003