WITH more than 13,000 acres to look after, bosses at one North Yorkshire's business could be forgiven for not keeping a close eye on their staff.

But workers at the Duncombe Park Partnership and Helmsley Estate know they will be well looked after - and have the accolade to prove it.

Investors in People has just given the business its first award, after it was impressed by the commitment, planning, evaluation and work carried out to train staff and make them feel part of the team.

Mark Sayers, assistant to the agent at Duncombe Park, said the staff were delighted to get the award.

"It's sometimes an uphill struggle because we are very split up," he said.

There were 28 full-time and 20 part-time employees, working in forestry, farms, repairs, Helmsley shoot, parks and gardens, the estate office, retail, and the house itself

Mr Sayers said Duncombe Park had worked closely with Business Link York and North Yorkshire to build up its success.

Updated: 11:24 Monday, January 20, 2003