COUNCILLORS have refused to give a North Yorkshire trainer planning permission to build 19 stables.

Members of Ryedale District Council's central area planning committee rejected Brian Ellison's plan to build a three-bedroomed house, detached double garage and a stable block with 19 stalls.

Mr Ellison's agent told the meeting that another house was needed to provide additional security on site.

Coun Elizabeth Shields said although she had nothing against horses and stables, she was concerned about the shared access off Bazleys Lane, Langton Road, Norton.

"Very often when they are unloading lorries, the access to the upper house is completely blocked off," she said. "This can be very irritating if people are trying to get down in their cars."

Councillors agreed with officers that they could not see a functional need for an additional dwelling on the site, when there was already a house at the stables.

Updated: 09:48 Tuesday, January 21, 2003