I WAS shocked recently to learn the cheapest seats available for the pantomime at York Theatre Royal were £16.50 - adult or child.

I rang to arrange an outing for the younger group in our Stamford Bridge Players Drama Society and, because we were taking a group of 12 or more, was offered the most generous reduction of £2 a person (£14.50 each) for the show.

This is a scandalous charge for young people. There is only one star in the show, Berwick Kaler, so there is no need for such greed.

As a family we all went before Christmas to see the pantomime at the Grand Opera House and, for a show with numerous TV stars, we paid £7.10 a seat.

We shall be taking the youngsters elsewhere!

Bryan R Lawson,

Burton Fields Road,

Stamford Bridge,


Updated: 09:07 Saturday, January 25, 2003