AN INFLATION-busting 10.7 per cent rise will be put on council tax demands made by Hambleton District Council.

Councillors agreed the rise yesterday.

It will mean a £6 increase in the council's section of the tax for an average Band D property, taking that part of the bill up to £62.

When added to precepts from North Yorkshire County Council, the Police Authority and parish councils, it will mean the average tax payer will be charged £1,055.32 a year - an increase of £210.39.

The largest rise comes in the police precept, which has gone up by 70.1 per cent to £156.

The new rate will come into effect from April, the start of the new financial year.

But Hambleton District Council's section is still £120 below Government recommendations.

Deputy leader of the council, Coun Arthur Barker, said yesterday: "This new rate endorses our policy to continue setting council tax well below Government assessed levels.

"Over the last ten years, we have levied £730 less per Band D household than the Government assessed. That has created a saving of more than £25 million across the district."

Updated: 11:24 Wednesday, February 26, 2003