IN the last five years, with this year's impending ten per cent rise, my council tax has risen by 42.5 per cent (nine per cent a year).

Council members, with their company director salaries and £400-a-week expenses, may easily afford to pay this monumental increase.

My pension has risen by 0.25 per cent in the last five years..

After 24 years in the same wonderful house with many marvellous memories, I now have to contemplate moving, leaving my home, due to an extremely oppressive school run.

How can I afford to do this with my ever-decreasing pension?

I am slowly being forced into penury while this council can afford to commute from Spain.

Alan J Parkin,

North Parade,



...WHO can't count?

Council leader Coun Merrett tells us an increase of £113.86 is 5.97 per cent of £866.75.

Try 13 per cent. It is much nearer the mark. I wonder if he calculates his council earnings the same way?

T McLaughlin,



Updated: 10:42 Thursday, February 27, 2003