WEAPONS inspectors today marched into the University of York in their search for weapons of mass destruction.

The team, a branch of the York Against The War coalition, walked into the computer science department dressed in white protective suits, goggles and masks similar to the ones worn by the UN team led by Hans Blix.

They claimed the department was working on contracts with military companies including the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency and BAE Systems. Team member Jeremy Clines said: "It's about drawing attention to the hypocrisy of this country insisting that weapons are inspected in another country." The team were met by head of department Professor Alan Burns, himself a member of York Against The War.

He said: "I do understand the motivation of what you are doing but I can say, I think with absolute certainty, that we do not do any direct work on any weapons systems."

Updated: 14:44 Friday, February 28, 2003