THE BBC Concert Orchestra will perform an RSPB charity gala at the National Railway Museum, York, next Friday (7th).

BBC Radio 2's Friday Night Is Music Night will celebrate Yorkshire's wildlife in a live broadcast from 7.30pm, presented by Brian Kay, the singer and broadcaster from Upper Poppleton, York.

For a musical journey of classics that takes the audience from the county's moorland to shoreline, the soloists will be violinist Cynthia Fleming, soprano Mary Plazas and tenor Bonaventura Bottone.

The National Railway Museum already has an ornithological link, providing a home for the Mallard steam locomotive, one of a series of engines that were named after birds that are 'swift and strong of flight'.

David Hirst, RSPB regional information officer, says: "Our region is one of the most important in England for its rich wildlife. There is so much to celebrate in the Yorkshire countryside, and we hope everyone who loves the birds, animals and plants or the county will want to join us on this special night."

A few tickets are available at £16 or £10 from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, tel 01484 861148.

Updated: 09:25 Friday, February 28, 2003