YORK City's Peter Salter is looking to lose pounds to raise pounds.

The club's commercial manager is undertaking a specially-tailored weight management programme at Fitness First in Clifton Moor.

But as well as hoping to get fit, Salter wants to raise much-needed funds for the Supporters' Trust by being sponsored for his dietary deeds.

Three weeks into his six-week programme, Salter had lost 19lbs and as well as boosting the Trust's coffers is already reaping the benefits of his healthier lifestyle.

"The difference is amazing," he said.

"I'm very hopeful even more weight will come off with the exercise routine Fitness First have advised me to follow, plus the help and motivation they have also provided, together with the healthier diet.

"I'm looking to lose plenty of more weight over the coming months and, who knows, maybe I might even be offered a contract for next season!"

All willing to sponsor Salter and help the Trust can contact him at Bootham Crescent on 0870 777 1922 or by completing sponsorship forms available in the club shop.

Updated: 11:25 Saturday, March 01, 2003