ALEXA Trezise is proving to be a model accountant.

The 20 year-old student accountant with CGA Accountancy of York has yet again proved that she is as capable of joining those who display their figures as well as calculate them.

Alexa, of Tadcaster Road, York, has yet again successfully auditioned for a celebrity fashion show to help the balance sheet at St Gemma's Hospice, Leeds.

She took part in last year's annual event, organised by recruitment firm HMI Hitchenor Maher in association with the Leeds Chartered Accountant Students Society.

She answered a call for "accountants with vital statistics" to strut their stuff at the auditions at The Royal Armouries.

That is where the budding supermodels of both sexes will appear before 500 invited guests on April 25, an event which will be professionally choreographed and supported by the House of Fraser and a host of Yorkshire companies.

Alexa, a former pupil of Millthorpe School, York, is in her final year before taking her chartered exams in July.

She said: "It will be fun parading all those clothes, although you can't actually choose what you want to wear.

"The choreography involves a lot of dancing, but fortunately nothing too complicated."

If she was offered a modelling career would she take it? "I don't think so. I've already passed my Association of Accounting Technicians exams.

"It's probably more fun balancing books on paper than balancing them on your head for posture!"

Updated: 08:58 Tuesday, March 04, 2003