A NEW partnership between the public and private sectors could become responsible for the running of York city centre.

Under the proposals a public/private management board would be responsible for improving and managing the city centre on behalf of City of York Council, major stakeholders and residents.

As part of the recommendations, a new jointly-funded city centre manager and support staff would also be appointed.

Coun Bob Scrase, the council's executive member for community, economic development and commercial services, said: "We often talk about wanting to work more closely with partners and the findings of this report point the way forward.

"Local residents and businesses in the city care about our city centre and the proposed new public/private partnership will help us make improvements."

Andy Hudson, the council's assistant director, environmental protection and

street environment services, said: "York was one of the first cities to appoint a city centre manger back in the 1980s, and these new proposals will ensure that York remains at the forefront of city centre management.

"The partnership board would have a dual role as a city centre guardian and leader, and, as a publicly accountable body, would aim to involve the local community in its development."

Tony Bennett, the council's assistant director for economic development, said: "The partnership would be responsible for developing a business plan for the city centre and identifying 'quick win' projects to create rapid improvements.

"The aim would be to bring in additional investment to improve services and the quality of the city centre environment, working closely with the tourism industry."

The recommendations, which will be considered by the council's executive on Friday, follow a best value review of city centre management.

The best value recommendations include the creation of a Shadow Partnership

Board, which would then be responsible for creating a formal partnership board by 2004. The shadow board would include representatives from the council and retail and non-retail businesses.

Updated: 08:43 Tuesday, March 04, 2003