THE idea of running diesels on old or even new cooking oil is not new (February 26).

A friend of mine ran his diesel-powered Golf turbo on cooking oil, and with as little as a couple of tea spoons of a thinner to each tank-full, he reckoned that the performance of the engine was better too.

One other thing that isn't new either, the Chancellor's ability to screw money out of us. After it was found out that you could run a vehicle on cooking oil, and quite a few did so, it became an offence so to do unless a certain amount of revenue was paid, as the oil now became a road fuel.

If we ever find a way of running a vehicle on fresh air, we'll be screwed by the Chancellor in some form or other, and I bet he gives nowt back to the Almighty who invented fresh air in the first place.

W Elliott,

Kinbrace Road, Hartlepool.

Updated: 11:27 Tuesday, March 04, 2003