GRUESOME details of how a woman's body was discovered dumped in a suitcase in a country lane near York have been revealed at the Old Bailey trial of the man accused of killing her.

South Korean student Kyu Soo Kim, 32, is accused of murdering fellow South Korean students Hyo Jung Jin, 21, and In Hea Song, 22, who he had let accommodation to during their stays in London.

In the second day of the trial the jury was told how the suitcase containing the body of Hyo Jung Jin was found in a lane which runs between The Buckles Inn on the A64 and the village of Askham Richard.

It had first been seen on November 2 by a Mr Overton, a barman at a local pub.

He had tried to lift the case but found it too heavy.

The court was told he later mentioned it to a friend who was a policeman in another district, who advised him to report it to the local police.

Mr Overton did not report it, but, said the prosecution, he had no idea what was in the case.

The suitcase had been seen by others using the country lane but it was not until November 18 that police were alerted to it.

Local man Paul Barlow saw the case as he walked down the road to catch a bus to York on November 17 but had not touched it.

But the following day he returned to the spot on his bicycle to investigate.

He took hold of the suitcase and attempted to lift it but also found it too heavy.

He tried to open it but was unable to and then called the police.

A police officer, a PC Champion, went to the scene that afternoon to investigate.

Prosecutor Jonathan Laidlaw, said: "He walked down into the ditch to examine the suitcase and noticed a strong decaying-type smell as he lifted the case onto the road."

The case was then opened slightly and, said Mr Laidlaw: "They saw hair and what appeared to be an eye.

"There was blood around the edges of the case.

"The grisly nature of the contents of the case became clear when, by partly forcing it open, human feet could be seen inside."

Mr Laidlow said a murder inquiry was launched by North Yorkshire Police and the suitcase was taken to the mortuary at York Hospital where it was opened.

The body of Miss Jin was discovered inside in a foetal position.

Kim denies murdering both women but he has pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Miss Song.

The trial continues.

Updated: 17:06 Wednesday, March 05, 2003