THE secret code that makes each of us individual has been explored by children from schools across York.

They took part in a fun DNA workshop, yesterday, at the National Centre for Early Music, in Walmgate.

The event was part of the York Festival of Discovery, a two-week event organised by Science City York, which aims to demystify science and showcase it as a growing sector of the city's economy.

It is 50 years ago since scientists Francis Crick and James Watson worked out the structure of DNA.

As part of the workshop children were able to see 200 copies of the Yellow Pages, which illustrated how much information each one of our cells contain.

They also saw a model of DNA structures, made necklaces and bracelets from them, extracted DNA from a kiwi fruit and learnt how characteristics are passed on from generation to generation.

Updated: 10:37 Tuesday, March 11, 2003