BIG-HEARTED fundraisers of all ages have been rallying for Comic Relief this week.

Eileen Rhodes, 80, organised a red nose aerobics class for an over-60s' women's group at Lidgett Grove Methodist Church Hall.

Eileen, of Ouse Acres, encouraged the group to don red noses during their work-out, and make donations to Comic Relief through a sales table afterwards.

She said: "It went brilliantly. I'm a very involved person, I love it. I wanted to find a way to raise money for such a worthwhile cause so I bought the red noses and talked to the ladies about what Red Nose Day means."

Meanwhile, youngsters at Jo Jingles pre-school music group brought favourite cuddly toys to join fundraising festivities at Fulford, York.

Children aged between one and five paid 50p towards Comic Relief during a musical session at St Oswald's Church Hall.

Group co-ordinator Samantha Hindmarsh led the children through music, singing nursery rhymes, playing percussion instruments and movement.

She said: "It went very well. I'm not sure how much we've raised yet, but the children enjoyed themselves.

Jo Jingles meets twice a week. For information on joining, phone Samantha on 01757 282164.

Updated: 08:09 Thursday, March 13, 2003