VILLAINOUS goings-on were afoot when one of the most feared men in soapland visited a York bar.

Following one of Coronation Steet's most popular storylines for 40 years, Brian Capron, aka Gail's murderous husband Richard Hillman, came to the city for a big night out.

The star visited The Bedroom only 24 hours after Coronation Street fans watched Tricky Dicky being zipped up in a body bag following the character's demise.

Fans of the show poured into the bar on Saturday to see their "hero" in real life.

The actor spent more than an hour meeting fans and signing autographs before a stint serving delighted punters behind the bar.

"It's a miracle," laughed Tina Stubbs, of Holgate Road.

"We watched him being bagged up yesterday, and now here he is in the flesh.

"I came here specially to see him, and must admit I was a bit scared before I came out. He is just like he is on the telly, but it's been great to see him."

Others were less impressed. "I'd like to smack him, you can't go round killing people like that, it's just not on," said Mike White, of Clifton.

With fans travelling from as far afield as Derby, Newcastle and Leeds, the night proved very popular. Some fans described the 54-year-old actor as gorgeous, while women in their 20s swooned at receiving a kiss from the dastardly villain. In the soap, Richard Hillman gained infamy for his dodgy dealings and ruthless behaviour, killing anyone who got in the way of villainous schemes.

He crashed out of the soap last week while trying unsuccessfully to kill wife Gail and her three children.

Updated: 10:29 Monday, March 17, 2003