AN ELDERLY York man was today recovering from a terrifying ordeal that saw him attacked and robbed in his own home.

The man, who has not been named but is from Beech Avenue, Holgate, was at home when two men burst in.

A police spokeswoman said: "One took hold of him while another physically removed a large amount of cash from his pockets.

"He was left very distressed by the incident."

Both men were said to white. The first was aged in his early 20s, tall and of slim build. The second was short and stocky.

Age Concern spokesman James Player said the incident was "appalling," but reminded York's elderly residents that crime against older people was still relatively rare.

He said: "Although it is rare, it does tend to shock the public and rightly so. Age Concern is working with the police and the Safer York Partnership to encourage older people to be safe in their homes.

"A home security scheme is available for victims of crime or older people on a low income."

Anyone with information is asked to phone the police on 01904 631321. For more information on the Age Concern home security scheme, phone 01904 427150.

Updated: 15:21 Monday, March 17, 2003