SCHOOLS in the region have received an unusual donation - furniture from a former gas works.

When gas pipeline operator Transco merged with the National Grid in October, Transco cleared all of the furniture out of its York offices in Heworth Green.

Now the furniture, which includes desks, chairs, flip charts, storage cupboards, bookshelves, stationery and a camera security system, will find a new home in York classrooms. Fulford, Joseph Rowntree and Westfield Community Primary Schools are among the schools that will benefit from the donation. Tadcaster East Community Primary, Strensall Pre-School Play Group and the Yorkshire Gliding Club, in Thirsk, will also receive some of the furniture.

Christine Kelly, Transco facilities co-ordinator said: "We didn't want to let the old furniture go to waste, so we asked local employees to nominate schools in the area who might benefit from these extra facilities. The schools were completely overwhelmed with the donation and I'm sure they will put it to good use."

The gas works closed on February 28. The 160 office-based staff were transferred Leeds.

Updated: 10:01 Wednesday, March 19, 2003