Lesbian, gay and bisexual people living in York have been given a stronger voice in the community with a new forum.

The York lesbian, gay and bisexual resident's forum will meet four times a year to bring together representatives from the council, police and other community organisations.

The City of York Council-funded forum will provide a space for people to say how they feel about living in York and to make sure appropriate services are available to fulfil their needs.

A spokeswoman for York Lesbian Line welcomed the forum and said it would provide a much-needed meeting space.

She said: "We feel there is a lack of social venues where women can meet in large groups without facing harassment, ridicule and homophobic comments and gestures."

Rob Wannerton, of Yorkshire MESMAC (men engaged in sex with men: action in the community), said the forum would help the police and council consult the gay community.

He said: "Although lesbian, gay and bisexual people are affected by the same issues as everyone else, we can also face very specific problems that can be overlooked.

"For example, even though York is a relatively safe place to live, we know the community can experience disproportionate levels of harassment and violence, which doesn't often get reported."

Kathy Anderson, diversity development officer for North Yorkshire Police, said she welcomed the new forum.

She said: "We see the development of the forum as an important next step in affording members of the community a fair voice in the provision of services and consultation on policies and practices."

The first forum meeting will be on Monday at the MESMAC offices in Marygate Lane, off Bootham, from 7pm.

Updated: 09:07 Friday, April 04, 2003