A CALL has gone out to artists interested in working with the community in York - it's time to get connected.

They are being urged to take advantage of a new scheme called Loose Connections, which offers a programme of workshops and "networking opportunities", focusing on participatory community arts.

The sessions aim to further develop the skills of local artists in community arts and provide the chance to meet, share ideas and socialise.

In addition to the successful Cartwheels introductory training for artists, City of York Council and York East Arts are investing in local artists to develop community arts provision in the city.

Loose Connections is a pilot project running for an initial six-month period.

Sam Broomhead, freelance community arts worker and co-ordinator of the project, said: "There are loads of very skilled and talented artists in York who have a lot to offer and would love to work with the community, but either don't know where to start or just need to be able to bounce ideas about.

"Loose Connections is a great opportunity for local artists to get together, develop skills and knowledge, share ideas, support each other and hopefully generate some really exciting participatory arts work for the communities of York."

The project begins on Monday, then takes place on the first Tuesday of every month between 7pm and 9pm at the Priory Street Centre in York.

Sessions are open to artists working in all art forms, such as painters, dancers, sculptors, craftspeople, musicians, and writers, and will cover areas such as group work skills, working with young people, working with older people, arts in health, disability, issue-based work and multi-cultural work.

There is a charge of £2.50 per session, but there is no need to book.

For information phone Sam Broomhead on 01904 626375, or email sambroomhead@hotmail.com, or Emily Harvey on 01904 430402, or email emily.harvey@york.gov.uk.

Updated: 09:00 Friday, April 04, 2003