The former FR Stubbs ironmongers in Walmgate is to be redeveloped - despite strong opposition from its historic neighbours.

The Company of the Merchant Adventurers said the planned shop and nine flats would block light from the historic Merchant Adventurers Hall in Piccadilly, reduce privacy in the hall's gardens and create possible noise pollution. But members of the planning and transport (city centre area) sub committee approved the plans and gave officers delegated powers to approve the related listed building consent application.

James Finlay, clerk to the Company of Merchant Adventurers, told members: "We see a need to redevelop this site. Our concern is simply with the size and scale of the proposals."

He said the loss of light and privacy would have a "serious adverse effect on the visitors to the hall".

But architect Tom Adams said he tried to ensure the new building was in keeping with its surroundings.

He said: "The most difficult part of the exercise has been to replace the very ugly present car park with a new building rubbing shoulders with and totally respecting the very special Merchant Adventurers Hall - perhaps, apart from the Minster, being the most important part of the now world famous magic fabric of York."

Coun Martin Brumby said: "I'm a bit saddened that the Merchant Adventurers feel so threatened by this, it seems to be to be a positive contribution to a rather neglected corner." Coun Janet Looker said she was in favour of the scheme, but raised concerns over the "Venetian" style colonnade due to its stark contrast in terms of style and colour.

Despite Mr Adams' insistence that the colonnade was the "golden part of the jigsaw", members asked officers to discuss further with the applicants the option of using a different material on the colonnade. There were also concerns that the flat balconies would be used to hang out washing, which would impact on the view from the Merchant Adventurers Hall gardens. Officers were also asked to discuss conditions for the balcony use.

The trademark cat, above right, which appears on all of Tom Adams' designs will be placed on the railings of the top floor veranda, so, he said, it can overlook the Merchant Adventurers Hall gardens and also see the FR Stubbs wall sign.

Updated: 11:21 Saturday, April 05, 2003