A MOTHER-of-four is dedicating her life to educating people about meningitis after her two sons beat the deadly disease.

Denise Rushworth, 37, of Burlington Avenue, York, suffered the agony of seeing both her sons contract the illness. She was told by doctors her son, Callum, had only two hours to live after he was diagnosed with meningitis at York Hospital ten years ago. Fortunately, he survived, but four years ago, Denise noticed similar symptoms in her youngest son, Kieran. After rushing him to hospital, doctors confirmed her worst fears.

"The chances of two of your children getting meningitis is millions to one," she said.

"The doctors did tests on me to see if I had some sort of genetic disorder, but they didn't find anything."

Denise has now joined forces with the Meningitis Research Foundation to educate other people about the disease. She will take part in a sponsored 10km walk from Tang Hall WMC to Murton and back again to raise money for the foundation. Anyone wishing to sponsor Denise should contact her on 01904 411961.

For details about meningitis see www.meningitis.org

Updated: 11:06 Saturday, April 05, 2003