CHURCH leaders are set to install a six-foot high steel fence around their building - to keep out arsonists and nuisance youths.

The drastic measure will be taken by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, in Acomb Road, York, following a string of incidents.

Jeff Walsh, who is in charge of looking after the Mormon church building, said there had been "two or three attempts" at burning it down. He also said abusive gangs of youths hang around outside and claimed they had caused considerable damage.

In 1998, arsonists poured petrol on the building's rear doors and then set it alight. It was only saved from being engulfed in flames when an alarm was triggered and two police officers and a Mormon bishop managed to put the fire out.

The £1 million church for York Mormons rose from the ashes 16 years ago after a devastating fire left the then 200-strong congregation homeless.

The previous church was gutted in a blaze, caused by an electrical fault.

"Hopefully the fence will do the job," said Mr Walsh.

"It's purely for security purposes. We've already had one of our buildings burned down there - we don't want another one.

"We were advised on the scheme by a police crime prevention officer.

"It will obviously solve the problem of youths getting in. We've been left with no choice."

The Evening Press has reported that residents in nearby West Bank say they are being "driven out" by a gang of nuisance youths.

The residents claim the youngsters sit outside the church drinking, smoking and playing loud music until the early hours.

Mr Walsh said: "We're talking about £1 million here - it's a big responsibility.

"What would possess someone to try to burn it down is beyond me."

An application to build the fence has been lodged with City of York Council. A spokesman said it was still being assessed.

Updated: 10:34 Wednesday, April 09, 2003