ANGRY residents claim plans to put a skateboard park for Tadcaster youths in earshot of their homes would destroy their "peace and quiet".

About 20 people from Rosemary Row and Rosemary Court attended a public meeting at Rosemary House residents' centre last night to voice their opposition to the facility.

A large number of young people and youth workers also attended, but were denied speaking rights for most of the meeting, due to the wishes of the mostly-elderly residents.

The proposed skate park would be sited on an enclosed derelict strip of land sunk down from the housing, and just below the residents centre, with Safeways car park to one side.

A consultants' report for Selby District Council said it would be the safest site in Tadcaster, of those put forward.

Mrs Higgins, chair of the residents' association, said she had collected a petition of 50 signatures.

"Old people can't be doing with the noise," she said.

"People come to the centre for peace and quiet. This is not the place for it."

Fears were also expressed about possible drug-taking at the site and the impact on house prices.

Coun Chris Metcalfe and Coun Richard Sweeting both expressed unhappiness at the chosen location. Coun Metcalfe also criticised the consultants' report which mistook the residents' centre for a youth facility with toilets.

Tadcaster and District community education manager, Amanda Goodchild, said she was concerned that young people at the meeting did not get a voice, and commended their enthusiasm for the scheme. "They have done quite a lot of work themselves to promote the idea and have approached this in a very grown-up and sensible way," she said.

Youth worker Dave Monk said a similar scheme in Malton had led to a drop in crime rates and drug taking.

Steve Helsdon, who chaired the meeting, read out one letter of support from Rosemary Court resident Kate Parker who said: "Please give the skate park a chance. Why should children be penalised because some residents don't want to upset the status quo?"

Mr Helsdon stressed that no decision had yet been made and consultation would continue.

Updated: 11:06 Thursday, April 10, 2003