WITH the local elections around the corner I wondered how our country would be run if the Government were made up of local figures and readers letters correspondents.

Prime Minister: Eddie Vee - instead of boring us with long speeches, he could sing them to us.

Deputy Prime Minister: David Quarrie - he would tell us what we wanted to hear, not what the Government wants us to believe.

Home Secretary: Dr Keith Davis - someone to keep an active eye on our city while writing from a Cockermouth address. Incredible, perfect for the job.

Minister for Transport: Paul Hepworth - road congestion would be a thing of the past, the phrase "on your bike" springs to mind.

Minister for Defence: Ben Drake - believes wars can be won by talking alone, now is the chance to prove it.

Special Envoy: Antoinette McCormick - anybody who practises what they preach deserves this job.

Commissioner for Police Complaints: Rod Hills - what goes around, comes around.

Leader of the Opposition: Gordon Campbell Thomas - would test the fire service reaction time every time he threw a tantrum and burnt his membership card.

Would this group of people make a better job of running the country?

PR Willey,

Burnholme Drive,



Updated: 09:47 Saturday, April 12, 2003