THIS week's Evening Press WYLAP retailer of the week was delighted when copies of the Evening Press sold like hot cakes.

Pat Jones, manager of Costcutter in Main Street, Wilberfoss, has worked in the store for 19 years. She said that ordering 25 extra copies of the newspaper a day had been the secret behind the massive increase in sales.

She said lots of customers had asked about WYLAP. The shop had put up several posters, which helped boost the week's sales by 16.3 per cent and

was now considering ordering more copies of the paper.

She said: "It has been very popular, particularly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We also have a nice new stand now, which draws the customers' attention to the papers."

Mrs Jones said she would be saving the bubbly, won in the competition, for a special occasion.

Updated: 09:20 Saturday, April 12, 2003